Learn about the Energy Enhancement System

The EESystem is designed to harmonize the mind, body, and spirit to achieve peak performance and reach higher states of health, consciousness, and self-actualization.

  • The EESystem consists of two key components: Biophotons, a form of light energy that activates and charges our cells, and Scalar Waves, which interact with our biofield to restore balance. Together, they create a concentrated, hyper-healthy energy field that our bodies absorb and retain. This energetic environment allows the body to recharge and generate the energy needed to maintain a healthy state of being and begin repairing health concerns.

    Think of the Energy Enhancement System as a "phone charger for the body." Our natural energy levels diminish over time due to factors like stress, poor sleep, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, and exposure to harmful frequencies from everyday devices. These disruptions reduce the body’s ability to maintain optimal energy flow, allowing small imbalances to grow into larger health issues. When our energy levels are sufficiently restored, the body uses this energy to optimize flow and naturally heal itself, often prioritizing the most critical concerns first.

    Simply relax in one of our recliners in the Energy Room and let your body do the work!

    For a deeper understanding, read the research studies below and visit our Videos tab.

  • Since the system is providing your body with the energy it needs to heal, your body will know what to target first. The following benefits have been reported after Energy Enhancement System sessions:

    • Increased energy

    • Better sleep

    • Improved mental focus

    • Increased calmness and emotional stability

    • Reduced symptoms of past trauma/PTSD

    • Decreased depression and anxiety

    • Improved immune function

    • Accelerated post-surgery and injury healing

    • Increased mobility

    • Enhanced neurological functions

    • Decreased pain

    • Reduced inflammation

    Long-term effects include cellular repair, DNA repair/protection, anti-aging and healing from chronic health issues.

    The effects of Energy Enhancement System sessions are cumulative since scalar energy has no loss of power. Responses to the EESystem energy vary and some members experience immediate results while others may need additional sessions to notice a change.

    Visit UnifydHealing for testimonials and research

  • The frequency of EESystem sessions is based on each person's needs. Sessions of a minimum of 2 hours have been found to provide the most benefit. Since the effects are cumulative, the more time you spend in our EESystem Energy Room, the more your body’s cells can heal. Your results are also influenced by your lifestyle and state of health, and because chronic health conditions have developed over time they may take longer to heal, so those with chronic health conditions may require more sessions to provide optimal healing.

    We recommend that clients with chronic conditions work towards a goal of 20-100 hours. The closer the sessions are, the more optimal your results will be.

  • Drinking plenty of water is important before and after your session in order to assist the flow of energy as well as the detoxification process.

    Be sure to remain in a receptive energetic state before and during your session. Practice gratitude, thank your body for all that it does for you, and focus on what you want to receive! Remember that the power that made the body heals the body.

    Within 24 hours after your EES session, take a sea salt bath and soak for 30 minutes to flush out toxins. This is a key part of post EES session protocol to prevent reabsorption of released toxins.

    Click here for more details on protocols.

  • Recipe & Instructions

    • 2 Cups Sea Salt (not Epsom salt)

    • 2 Cups Baking Soda

    • 1 Cup Borax

    • Essential Oil if desired

    Add sea salt mixture to warm/hot bath water and soak for 30 minutes or more with a hot towel over the chest.  Sea salt mixture can also be used as a scrub while bathing or showering. Rinse skin with fresh water to remove excess salt from the body.  If you do not have a bathtub, please soak your feet in a sea salt mixture foot bath for 30 minutes.

    EE Charged Salt and Sea Salt Blends are available for purchase at the center.

    Taking a sea salt body bath or foot bath is very important to assist the body with post-session healing benefits. Detoxification is a crucial step in healing, and is one of the first areas our body tackles when in the EESystem energy field. Failure to detoxify will result in your body reabsorbing those toxins, and you may experience a headache along with cold-like symptoms. The detox will help your body reap the full benefits of the EESystem!

    While Epsom Salt is rich in magnesium and offers many therapeutic benefits, it is not ideal for detoxification. For a more effective cleanse, Sea Salt is a better choice, as it supports the body's natural detox processes

Note: The EE System is not a medical device. If you have a medical condition or health concern, please consult your healthcare practitioner. The technology and center personnel do not diagnose, treat, cure, nor prevent any illness. No guarantees expressed or implied are made about the efficacy of the technology and results may vary between individuals. 

Research & Results

Live Blood Microscopy

Before EES

After EES

Energetic State of Cells

Before EES

After EES


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